I am quite furious .. I dont know what people think of themselves. Do you think piousness is demonstrated on the cost of a public display of your affection towards God?? NO .. Never. But would somebody explain this to the farcist extremist Moulanas in the numerous mosques?
Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. But as the occasion of the Prophet's birth nears by, every nook and corner of my city is full of blaring voices. There are kids, elders and what nots, all busy reciting hymns and naats. Fine .. fair enough .. but can you imagine the extent to which they are going on and about? Listening to their mixed up voices, it may seem that they are rather competing for who's the loudest or the best one amongst them. And this goes on and about everyday .. until ofcourse the loadshedding disrupts them and leaves us with some peace. I wonder with pity about those residencies which lie next to these mosques. Those people wouldn't be able to converse with each other in normal tones so one can only imagine how badly affected their daily lives would be.
As if this wasnt enough, we have the on going rallies of different groups daily. Either the reason is purely political or religious or rather a protest .. but the common man suffers with road blocks, altered bus routes and eventually reaching late to his workplace.
Religion is one's personal domain within that person and God. To mutilate it with such public demonstrations is simply an offense to the notion of piousness. The most ridiculous thing is that as soon as the occasion is over, all the noises subside, waiting for yet another such occasion to come up prior to which the torment begins again. Praising God with beautiful hymns would maintain their simplicity if it is done with gratitude, humility and affection.
I may go on and on about this .. but to handle matters simply, just ask yourselves: Who are we doing this for? For people or for GOD? If its for GOD, then he's closer to us than anything else, a whispered prayer can do magnitude of effects as compared to a blare-up flare-up. Noise pollution remains noise pollution .. whether its with a movie song or an over-loud hymn!