Sounds cliched but its true guys .. I was away on an exam break but now I assure you full entertainment on my blog. Talking about exams first, let me update you guys on what happened. I had my final exams of the final graduating year, so definitely I wasn't too high on studying. Afterall, its a psyche that you actually don't feel like studying for the last of all exams.
Anyway, so like I said, I was low on preparation. If you had read my pre-exam blog, you would recall how I love the adrenaline surge it gives me. This time however, I had to undergo series of unfortunate events. After my initial two exams (which by the way were the toughest), I had a bone stuck in my throat. We had to rush to an ENT to get it removed. There, in the theatre, while I was undergoing laryngoscopy, I simply had one thought in mind.. I somehow had to get rid of the bone. There was no chance that I was going to miss my exam the other day. Finally, on the 6th attempt, I coughed it out along with lots of blood and other goey stuff.
This left me wounded badly. Now, with my throat injured and the my mouth ulcerated, you can only imagine how well prepared it left me.
As if the dilemma wasn't enough, I had a viral infection soon after my vivas began. A never ending fever, bad cough and flu .. this wasn't all I was deemed too have. Soon, my throat got so bad that my voice sounded all cracked up. Pretty worse than the crows perched outside my window. Heck I sounded funny when the examiner asked me questions!
Well, that done too .. it was the first time I wasn't well during exams so that was pretty hectic. I wouldn't cry over it now that I have spilled it all about .. but one thing's positive about this .. for which I might be ever grateful to nature. lol .. I LOST WEIGHT!! hehe thats the best part of being sick .. and the loveliest is, when people comment on how weak these exams have left me! Afterall, what these exams did to me wasn't achieved by 3 months of workouts! Great going eh?
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