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Saturday, January 31, 2009

FREEDOM mocks at me!

"The trend for this New Year is freedom ...." This was the ending note of a TV show host of High Life Dubai - a show that boasts and haunts the elite. The remaining lines drained off as I tried to digest what the host meant. Dressed in a deep burgundy, spaghetti strapped silk gown, this host actually meant what she said.
After a long day, with the newspaper in my hand and skimming through multiple channels, I had not given this line a second thought until I sat down in the haven of my newspaper again. The words FREEDOM mocked at me as I read about the world happenings. The bombardments in Gaza, where thousands are suffering. The pictures in the paper depicted nothing of the FREEDOM that this host had anticipated for the upcoming year. Ask somebody who saw his family die, ask those whose shelters were bombed or rather ask those whose lives have been crippled. The memories etched in these young minds would haunt these people for a thousand years. Try talking about FREEDOM with these innocent souls, and you'll meet their empty,lifeless,hopeless gaze, wondering where on Earth are you from. For them, this has been their world all their lives. They grew up with curfews, never knowing if death was around the corner. The happy shrieks of their laughter have been numbed by mournful cries of yearning. The sounds of gunfire are no more un-nerving. The deserted streets are no more strange.
Living on the same planet, our worlds are miles apart. The air we breathe doesn't smell of gun smoke. The water we drink is not filthy with someone's blood. We might be lucky but are we free? Had we been granted with FREEDOM, our words would not have been un heard. The worldwide protests for Gaza had no impact on the governments. Infact, this on-going human slaughter house practically has no end to it. The governments which can help are not bothered by the Gaza happenings. They are probably too busy blaming people for terrorism, finding ways to boost their economies, ruling developing world by their 'divide and rule policy' and probably charting up methodologies to encounter yet another devastated country. Isn't this terrorrizing enough?

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