Saturday, January 31, 2009
FREEDOM mocks at me!
After a long day, with the newspaper in my hand and skimming through multiple channels, I had not given this line a second thought until I sat down in the haven of my newspaper again. The words FREEDOM mocked at me as I read about the world happenings. The bombardments in Gaza, where thousands are suffering. The pictures in the paper depicted nothing of the FREEDOM that this host had anticipated for the upcoming year. Ask somebody who saw his family die, ask those whose shelters were bombed or rather ask those whose lives have been crippled. The memories etched in these young minds would haunt these people for a thousand years. Try talking about FREEDOM with these innocent souls, and you'll meet their empty,lifeless,hopeless gaze, wondering where on Earth are you from. For them, this has been their world all their lives. They grew up with curfews, never knowing if death was around the corner. The happy shrieks of their laughter have been numbed by mournful cries of yearning. The sounds of gunfire are no more un-nerving. The deserted streets are no more strange.
Living on the same planet, our worlds are miles apart. The air we breathe doesn't smell of gun smoke. The water we drink is not filthy with someone's blood. We might be lucky but are we free? Had we been granted with FREEDOM, our words would not have been un heard. The worldwide protests for Gaza had no impact on the governments. Infact, this on-going human slaughter house practically has no end to it. The governments which can help are not bothered by the Gaza happenings. They are probably too busy blaming people for terrorism, finding ways to boost their economies, ruling developing world by their 'divide and rule policy' and probably charting up methodologies to encounter yet another devastated country. Isn't this terrorrizing enough?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Rocket Principle .. :P
"Great students like us work on the principle of rockets, it doesn't mean we aim for the skies. It means, we don't start studying till our tails are on fire."
Hey guys,
This is the first blog on this site. I dont know if I'll get you guys clicking. Now first, dont get scared when you see my webpage's title: the individual,family and society. I am definitely not going to waste your time into Darwinism or his theories. Nor, am I going to blabber about the evils of society and how things SHOULD be. For all I believe, things are the way we want them to be. Well, anyway, my aim would be to write about anything inspiring, reality based that I come across daily.
Say for example, my brother told me the starting quote when I sat down to write this up. And there it clicked, as I mocked upon myself: Wow! Here I am doing this blog writing, when this Monday I have my Final Exams! .. lol
I donot boast when I say that it's been half my educational life where last moment cramming has been my ultimate tool to clear an exam. I dont understand how people sit hours and nights, months before their exams, preparing!! Preparing for what?? It's not like you are off to a war where you got to display your brave acts. Get real!!! When you have tuitions to give, home chores to take care of, TV serials to watch, facebooking to do, then how would you end up concentrating on studies? Well, even if you cut down supposed time-wasters, you just cant sit and let all the studying drone you down.
I actually love it when I am out of time and have lots of study. It's kind of re-freshing. The adrenaline surge that it gives! Try it someday. Its better than any marijuana on the block. This part in its real sense gives me a challenge, that I would want to fulfill, be it in an hour or a sleepless night. The real joy then comes from succeeding in that exam, which thank God I have uptil now.
However, when I sit down to reflect it later, I do realize one thing: It would have been distinction marks, if I had studied the proper way. Which reminds me, I have an exam to give this Monday!